Project Support

Collision: The Contemporary Art Scene in Houston, 1972-1985 is number nineteen in Texas A&M University Press's Sara and John Lindsey Series in the Arts and Humanities and a sponsored project of the Houston Artists Fund, which thanks the following donors for their support:

Nancy Luton

The Anchorage Foundation of Texas

Leslie and Brad Bucher - The Elizabeth Firestone Graham Foundation

Jeffery Beauchamp - Deborah and William Colton - Richard and Christine Gershon - Marilyn Oshman

Beverly and John Berry - Jereann Chaney - Barbara and Gerald D. Hines - Lynn Randolph - Diane Rudy - John and Stephanie Smither Visionary Fund - Bridget and Patrick Wade - Lynn S. Wyatt - Nina and Michael Zilkha

Gail and Louis Adler - Eddie and Chinhui Allen - Richard Bebermeyer and Randy Tibbits - Beckham Dossett - Mary and George Hawkins - Barbara and Marks Hinton - Mr. and Mrs. I. H. Kempner, III - Angela Summers and Sanjeev Lahoti - Lawndale Art Center - Emily Todd - Robert and Lauri Wray

Laura Calaway - Bill and Ginny Camfield - Susan Toomey Frost - Cathie and Jeff Kayser - Gus and Sharon Kopriva - Curt Langley in honor of artist and mother Patricia Langley - Victoria Lightman in memory of Roger Stark - Judy and Scott Nyquist - Forrest Prince - Lelia Rodgers, Rudyard’s Pub - Angele Wolk

Anonymous - Robert Boyd - Penny Cerling - Nancy Agin Dunnahoe - Dewitt Godfrey - Susan Hanft - Natilee Harren - Jeryn Woodard Mayer - Michelle O'Michael - Ron Restrepo - Don White - Linda Younger

This work was funded in part by the city of Houston through Houston Arts Alliance.

The Houston Artists Fund: Jody Blazek, Joseph Havel, Jack Massing.


You can support this project with a donation to the Houston Artists Fund